Census 2020

Everyone Counts in Baltimore

Every 10 years, the United States Census Bureau counts everyone who lives in the country. The Census collects basic information, such as age, sex, and race, for every person in every household. The 2020 Census is much more than just a head count - the decisions that are made based on Census data will impact our lives!

Every Baltimore resident must be counted to ensure that we get our fair share of federal funds for essential programs that cover health care, education, housing, economic development, and transportation. An accurate counts is also essential to strengthen our political representation at the state and federal levels.

The 2020 Census will be different, as most people will recieve a postcard notifying them that they should complete the Census online. You will also be able to complete the Census over the phone, and MIMA will share that phone number as soon as it becomes available. 

Immigrants and limited English proficiency (LEP) individuals are consistently undercounted in the Census. Some residents are afraid of giving their personal information to the federal government, and some are unaware of what the Census is. To help ensure that everyone counts in Baltimore, you will find some Census resources in multiple languages via the menu on this page. Just click "Census 2020," and you can explore multilingual Census Outreach Toolkits and learn about MIMA's Census Ambassador Program. These tools & resources are ideal for advocates, non-profits, and community leaders to reach their communities with critical informaiton about the Census. 

Do you want MIMA to come to your community event or meeting with information about the Census? Sign up here!

Questions about the Census? Email MIMAcensus2020@baltimorecity.gov

Check out Baltimore City’s Census 2020 website for even more resources and information.